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A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when browsing it. With the robots.txt file on a website some time keeps track of your steps and preferences (such as login name, language, font size, and display settings), making them the next time you visit and browse the individual pages you do not need to reproduce.


In order to ensure the proper functioning of this website sometimes we store on your device small data files called. cookie. It is a common practice of most major Web sites.

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More information about cookies


Options in the Client Zone

  • Quick direct communication with LEADER LIGHT Contact us
  • The possibility of downloading lectures and other materials
  • The option of registering a project of lighting Registration Project
  • Extra Warranty registration of LEADER LIGHT products, more info on Extra warranty
Last Updated: 27.5.2016
Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť spojenie s hostitelom localhost!
Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť spojenie s hostitelom localhost!
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